The official internet presentation of the Municipality of Vladicin Han  |  Cyrilic  |  Latin  |  English  
If you are looking for the place for your new job, you should choose Vladicin Han, because it is center of the market of over 1 million people, an hour from Nis, Skopje (FYR Macedonia) and Sofia (Bulgaria), with railways and highways (Corridor 10), in Municipality with efficient and modern administration and developed infrastructure. Here, none will ask you what you can do for Vladicin Han, but only what Vladicin Han can do for you.

Come to Vladicin Han to complete our agreements – we appreciate your money and knowledge. In our database, just in few seconds you can get every single data you need for starting your business and you can get all needed approvals and licenses in few weeks for operative start of your work.

We do not doubt in our decisions and we are ready to fulfill all your demands, to help you, to support you, to provide assistance and guidance from the most competent people from Serbian business, academic and scientific institutions.

Vladicin Han Municipal administration will be on your side in negotiations with banks, suppliers and distributors, domestic and international investors, potential partners and consumers. Support to your job we consider as our obligation.

Your investment costs will be much lower here, then in main centers, and main centers are very close indeed to Vladicin Han.

Our strategic geographical position determines us to business-oriented policy and that’s why we care about your success in our Vladicin Han.

  Municipality Vladicin Han  |  All rights reserved  |   Author: Àãåíöè¼à ÌÈ  |  Visits: 3.093.662